2.3 There is Another sky- Activity 1
2.3 There is Another sky
Activity No.1
Global Understanding: Complete the web giving
the sad and gloomy aspects of life mentioned in the first part (Octave) of the
Ans-Sad and gloomy
aspects of life- i. Darkness
ii. Faded Forest
iii. Silent Fields
Complete the web giving the optimistic aspects of life mentioned in the
Ans- Optimistic aspects
of life – i. Brighter garden
ii. Unfading flowers
iii. Little
forest whose leaf is ever-green
The poem expresses the feeling of serenity. Pick out the expressions from
the poem that express the same.
Ans- The expressions
showing the feelings of serenity are-
There is another sky
Even serene and fair
Personal response: Suggest some solutions to tackle the
Ans- i. Listen to music
and feel relaxed.
ii. Think always positive and act this way.
iii. Do meditation, read motivational
books, and make friends.
iv. Share your feelings about depression
with your parents or near and dear ones.
Poetic device
“ I hear bright bee hum” Find out the figure of speech of this
Ans- Onomatopoeia -The word ‘hum’ itself expresses sound.
The sounds ‘h’ and ‘b’ are repeated for poetic effect.
Poetic Creativity: Compose a poem. Two lines are given. Add two
of your own.
There is another sky ...............................( there is
another hope)
Ever serene and fair .................................( which
makes you very happy)
Ans- Enjoy its beauty
And make yourself happy