
Showing posts from October, 2023

Do as Directed

Test No. 11 Do as Directed    1. It is not easy for me to solve this question.( Make a Rhetorical question) Ans -Is it easy for me to solve this question ? 2. I spent my day in the City. (Change the voice) Ans-My day was spent in the city by me.  Or Ans- In the city my day was spent by me.  3. She will run fast. (Use model auxiliary showing 'certainty') Ans- She must run fast  4. If we run fast, we will win the match.( Use 'Unless') Ans- Unless we run fast, we will not win the match. 5. We make a new notebook for our study. Use future continuous tense) Ans- We will be making a new notebook for our study.  6. They played cards. Change the voice) Ans- Cards were played by them. 7. The horse is too fast to win the race. (Use So ..that) Ans- The horse is so fast that he cannot win the race.  8. If she was ill , she would go to college. ( Use Unless) Ans- Unless she was ill,she wouldn't go to college. 9.Use antonyms prefix-  1. Prepare- ...

1.2 On to the Summit: We Reach the Top - Activity No.1

  1.2 On to the Summit: We Reach the Top Activity No.1 When we left Camp Nine on Friday morning………… We were not two individuals, but a team. Pg. no.16 & 17 Read the extract and complete the activities given below: A.1 Global Understanding: Unique Qualities Line Determination I was to get to the top even if I die. Confidence “These three flags are in your care,” he said. Patriotism I told Colonel Hunt that I was carrying the Indian flag with me and I would like to be on the top with the other flags. Discipline I had to ask Colonel Hunt’s permission in his capacity as leader of the expedition.   A.2 Complex Factual: Complete the web-   Tenzing Norgay had flags of-  The  India The United Nation The Britain The Nepal   A.3 Analysis- Give reasons for the “rope” being called a symbol. Ans- A rope is used to climb safely. ...

1.2 On to the Summit: We Reach the Top Activity-2

  1.2 On to the Summit: We Reach the Top Activity No. 2 I have been asked many times …………… But we couldn’t hear. We had our oxygen masks on. Pg no. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. A.1 Global Understanding Describe the opinion of Tenzing about the question – Who was the first? Ans-Tenzing’s opinion was that such a question had no importance. Both of them reached the top was more important. There was no one to decide the difference of distance in between Tenzing and Hillary. So he neglected the question. A.2 Complex Factual- Rewrite the statement choosing the correct alternative. 1. The pact was signed in the office of the Prime Minister of Nepal/ India. 2. Tenzing had a copy of his/ Hillary’s statement. 3. The two mountaineers did not care / cared about reaching first to the summit. 4. Tenzing held flags of India, Britain, Nepal, and The United Nations /United States of America. A.3 Conclusion- Give the list of Tenzing’s activi...

2.3 There is Another sky- Activity 1

  2.3 There is Another sky Activity No.1 A.1 Global Understanding :   Complete the web giving the sad and gloomy aspects of life mentioned in the first part (Octave) of the poem. Ans-Sad and gloomy aspects of life- i. Darkness                                                            ii. Faded Forest                                                            iii. Silent Fields A.1. Complete...

2.2 The Sower - Appreciation (Arts)

  2.2 The Sower Appreciation of the poem 1. About the Poem, Poet and Title- It is a translated poem from French Poet Victor Hugo into English by Torulata Dutt, one of the founding figures of Indo-Anglian literature. The poem's title represents the central character  'The Sower' who works hard on his farm.  The poem is about the poet’s observation of the sower; his dedication, determination, and selfless hard work.  2. Theme/ Summary/ Gist of the poem- The poem's theme is about the sower who works hard in his field with dedication, perseverance, and commitment. The poet observes his all activities at sunset time and admires the sower’s actions as Noble and selfless. 3. Poetic style/ Language/ poetic Devices- The poetic devices used in this poem are Alliteration, Antithesis, Personification, Hyperbole, Inversion, etc. For example Personification ‘Shadows run across the lands’ –  in this line, The Shadows are given the human quality of running. The rhyme scheme ...