
Showing posts from January, 2023

Q.4 C.Compering -Gandhi Jayanti

Q.4 C Imagine that you are a compere of the  'Gandhi Jayanti Celebration'  of your college. Write a script of the same. You can take the help of the following points-  1. Introduction 2. Lightning the lamp and welcome song 3. Welcome speech and felicitation 4. Students' Speech, Teachers' Speech, Presidential Speech 5. vote of thanks. Compering script for 'Gandhi Jayanti Celebration'                                  Or       GANDHI JAYANTI CELEBRATION         October, 2nd 2022. 10.00am                Conference Hall                  Anchor- Jyoti Walunj 1. Introduction- Good morning to one and all present here. As we know that today is 2nd October.  Every year, India celebrates a national holiday in remembrance and honor of the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as...

Q.4 D Appeal Writing: Save Animals Save Wild life

 Q 4 D Appeal Writing: Prepare an appeal on the topic: Save Animals Save Wildlife with the help of the following points in about 100-150 words. -Prepare an attractive slogan. -Use of picture or logo. -Ask for a contribution -Inform about the program. -Make a Persuasive appeal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVE ANIMALS SAVE WILDLIFE Dear Friends, HRM has organized a Rally Create Awareness about Save Animals: Save Wildlife! If You Like to Shoot Animals, Do It With a Camera, Not a Gun. Our Wildlife Needs Our Help!  Feed the Animals, Donot Eat Animals! DO YOU WANT THE ANIMALS TO RACE TO SURVIVE ON THE GLOBE? Then, Join us, Join the Rally!  Remember -  - Take Better Care of Your Pets. - Provide good dental care at home. ... -Take your pet to the veterinarian once or twice a year. ... - Treat them as your family member.  -Finally, have fun with your pet! Some Species are dying away; Cannot we help them in some way? SAY NO ...

Drafting Virtual Message

  Q.4 C Drafting Virtual Message: Using the information given below, write a message which Mohit left for his brother Mohan. Do not add any new information. The message should not exceed more than 50words. Rajan called up -a self-written story-reading competition on the occasion of National Book Days and APJ Abdul Kalam birthday. Venue is city library at Churchgate.He will pick him up at 5.00pm and they both will attend the performance together.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26th Jan. 2023 4.00pm Dear Mohan Rajan called up you for giving the information about self written story reading competition on the occasion of National Book days & Abdul Kalam Birthday. It will held on city library at Churchgate. He said that we would attend the program together at 5.00pm.  Mohit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q.4 C Speech writing :Blood Donation

  Q .4 C Speech writing : Prepare a short speech on ' Blood Donation' to be delivered by you to your class in about 120/150words with the help of the following points - Need for donating blood Problems involved if any The good effect Need to save the life Ans-  Honorable Principal, Respected teachers, and my dear friends. I am Jyoti Walunj standing in front of u to give a speech on today's topic' Blood Donation.' Dear students, blood is an important fluid that flows in our body. It is so important that if we lose excess of it from our body, we can die. But we are very lucky to have a blood transfusion process that can help save the lives of people. Lives can only be saved if we have enough blood for transfusion. Hence, blood donation is the only medium that can help us. People around the world donate blood which helps treat people with ill- health. YOUR BLOOD GIVES NEW BIRTH TO OTHERS There are various benefits of donating blood. It not only helps the receiver but ...

Q.4 B Interview Question - Doctor

  Q.4 B Interview Question - 04 Marks  Q.4 B Imagine, you have to interview a Doctor. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequences of the questions) Ans - Name of the Doctor - Dr. Sancheti  Name of the interviewee -Mrs. Jyoti D. Walunj Field/Activity/Fame - Date/ Venue/ Time- 26th Jan. 2023, Sancheti Hospital, Pune, 10.00 am Duration of interview - 30 min. Questions- 1. Need to select the field - How did you decide to become a Doctor? Or 2. Strong and weak points -  As human beings, we have strong and weak points, How do you tackle your weak points? and what efforts do you take for overcoming these weaknesses?  3.  Support - Do you think that the support system plays a vital role in our life? 4. Qualities required -   The doctor is directly operating human beings so it's a very difficult job, so in complicated cases what kind of qualities do you need in yourself?  Or  Operat...

Direct- Indirect Speech- Examples

Direct- Indirect Speech   Examples -  1. The Dark one side," I am sent by Lord Brahma".  2. He said,"I have no words to express my gratitude to you".  3. The little girl said, "what will she say? " 4. He said to his wife," Don't worry about it ! ".  5. "Don't argue with your father," said Mrs. Goel to her son.  6. "Why don't you want your child to be vaccinated Mary? " the doctor asked.  7. "Did you visit the tower when you were in Paris last year?" I asked my friend.  8. Father said to the teacher," Is my son doing well?".  9."How sweet the fruit is ! " said Radha. 10. The teacher said,"Stand up, Sachin".  ------------------------------------------------------------------- Answers -  1. Ans- The Dark one said that he was sent by Lord Brahma.  2. He said that he had no words to express his gratitude to him.  3. Ans-The little girl asked what she would say.  4. He told his w...

Voice- Charts

  Voice- Active Voice- the verb is in the active voice when the subject of a verb is the doer of the action. (the doer is active) Passive Voice- the verb is said to be in the Passive voice when the subject is the receiver of the action. (the subject is passive ) Active Voice (Tense)   Passive Voice Simple Present Tense S+m.v.(-s/es/ies)+O O+ am/is/are +V3 +by + S Present Continuous Tense S+am/is/are+m.v.-ing+O O+ am/is/are+ being+V3+by+S Present Perfect Tense S+have/has+V3+O O+ have/has + been +V3+ by + S Present Perfect Continuous Tense S + have/ has +been +m.v.-ing + O   No Change Simple Past Tense S + V2 +O O +was /were + V3 +by +S   Past Continuous Tense S + was/ were + m.v.-ing +O O + was /were + being +V3 + by+ S Past Perfect Tense S + had +V3 +O O + had +be...

Direct Indirect Speech Chart-

Direct Indirect Speech Chart-    Chart- I Type of Sentence Reporting Verb Conjunction Assertive Said-Said / asked Said to- told Say to – tell Says to- tells that Imperative    Ordered, requested,                               suggested, advised , instructed, warned, promised, apologized To (If there is ‘do not in direct speech, it becomes ‘not to’ in indirect speech) Exclamatory   Exclaimed that Interrogative            *Wh-type question asked Wh-word             *Verbal question   asked If/Whether ...