Q.4 C.Compering -Gandhi Jayanti
Q.4 C Imagine that you are a compere of the 'Gandhi Jayanti Celebration' of your college. Write a script of the same. You can take the help of the following points- 1. Introduction 2. Lightning the lamp and welcome song 3. Welcome speech and felicitation 4. Students' Speech, Teachers' Speech, Presidential Speech 5. vote of thanks. Compering script for 'Gandhi Jayanti Celebration' Or GANDHI JAYANTI CELEBRATION October, 2nd 2022. 10.00am Conference Hall Anchor- Jyoti Walunj 1. Introduction- Good morning to one and all present here. As we know that today is 2nd October. Every year, India celebrates a national holiday in remembrance and honor of the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as...