Q.4 B Interview - Example 1


Q.4 B Interview Question - 04 Marks 

Q.1 Imagine, you have to interview a teacher who recently received the Ideal Teacher Award from the state government. With the help of the given table and points, draft questions for an interview. (Do not change the sequences of the questions)


Ideal Teacher Award Winner Teacher- Mrs. Jyoti D. Walunj

Name of the interviewee

 Mrs. Jyoti D. Walunj

Area of success/ reputation


Date/ Venue/ Time

 1st Dec. 2024, HRM College, Pune, 10.00 am

Duration of interview

 30 min.


1.      Decision

How did you decide to become a teacher? 

2.      Idols

 What kind of inspiration did you get from your idol? 


3.      Support

 Do you think that the support system plays a vital role in our life? Plz Explain. 

4.      Education

To become a teacher, what kind of education should we pursue?

           5. Training

‘Training gives us a new insight into the education, what is your opinion about that?

6.      Success 

  How did you feel when you achieved this successful award? 

7.      Dream

  Would you like to share your new/next dream plan?

8.      goals/destinations

How will you describe your goals? / Would you like to share your next goal plans?

Thank you very much Ma’am for giving your special time for us.

Have a Nice day!

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