Q. Summary writing- Notes & Example
Q. Summary Writing- 03 Marks
Write a short summary of the passage given and suggest a suitable title.
- A summary is a restatement of someone else’s words in your own words.
- A summary is a brief statement or re-statement of main paragraph.
- A summary is a record in a reader’s own words that gives the central idea about the paragraph.
- Read and re-read the passage very carefully and try to understand it.
- Use a pencil to highlight or underline what you take to be the main point of the original text, or make notes in the margins or on another sheet of paper.
- Find out the main idea (information, facts) and supporting ideas.
- The first sentence should describe the main content of the text.(Topic Sentence)
- Connect the sentence using suitable conjunctions. For eg. And, but, as well as, that, however, etc.
- Write down those ideas in short underline keywords in the passage.
- Organize the ideas/ points in the manner in which they are found in the passage. Do not waste time trying to rearrange ideas.
- You can use synonyms words without affecting the meaning even you can use a pronoun to replace a noun.
- When writing a summary remember that it should be in the form of a paragraph.
- Pay attention to the tense and sometimes pronoun.
- Give suitable or appropriate title for your summary.
- Remove redundant ( unnecessary / unimportant ) words and sentences from the passage.
Generally a summary should be around one quarter the length of the original paragraph. If the original paragraph is of 50 sentences, your summary should be no more than 13 to 15 sentences.
1. Do not include information that not found in the text. Or do not add extra information which is not present in the text.
2. Do not add minor details.
3. Avoid first and second person point of view. Use third person point of view.
4. Do not use direct quotes. Express the author’s ideas in your own words.
5. Do not offer an opinion on what you are summarising.
6. Do not repeat ideas. Sometimes an idea is repeated in the text and you may not notice it as it may have been summarised/paraphrased.
Q. 2.A. Read the passage carefully and write the summary of the extract with a suitable title with the help of the given points.
Time is resource to measure quantitatively but its nature is unclear. Time is a fleeting, limited and intangible human resource which is always calculated and used accordingly. The time of the day is as shown on clock are announced on the media like radio, television constantly guide us in carrying out days activities, distribution of time for work, rest, entertainment and checking the progress during the day.
The secret of time management lies in successfully identifying and eliminating time wasting activities with effective and efficient utilisation of time. In order to be a good time manager, grab the time, utilise it properly and invest it into productive work. Do not allow the time to flow and pass away without offering any result
The importance of time management is self evident. Every individual has 24 hours a day to use. One must be aware of the available time and the time needed to complete the. Everyone must remember that time cares only for those who take care of time
So, for the achievement of goals, proper planning and utilisation of time is very important which is definitely possible only by time management
Time Management Skill
Importance of Time
Time: A Valuable Resource
Time proves to be very precious in spite of its unclear nature. Reducing time wasting activities for proper utilisation of time is time- management. A good time manager most invest the time grab into productivity. Time management is a self evident as one has to be conscious of time required as it helps in achieving goals with planning and utilisation of time.