Voice - Notes

 Voice- Active & Passive 


The active and passive voices are the two grammatical voices. 

Def of Voice - 

Voice refers to the form of a verb that indicates when a subject acts or is the receiver of the action. 

Active Voice -

When the subject performs the action it is an active voice.

Passive Voice -

When the subject receives the action it is a passive voice. 

For example - 

1. I write a letter.

Ans- A letter is written by me. 

Active Voice Structure - 

Subject-.  I

Verb -  write  

object - a letter


( Subject+ Verb+ Object)

Passive Voice  ( Interchange the place of subject and object)

Subject - A letter," 

Helping verb - is 

Action verb -written

object -me 

Structure - 

( Object + h.v. + V.3(Past participle) + by + Subject)

Note -

One thing to note here is that the exact meaning of the sentence does not change even if the structure differs.  

Rules - 

1. The subject of the verb in the active voice becomes the object in the Passive voice sentences.

2. In a  passive voice always uses the third form of the verb, also known as the past participle form of the verb (example- eat, ate, eaten- eaten is the third form of a verb).  

3. Auxiliary verb ‘be’ (am, is are, was, were) is added before the past participle according to the tense of the verb. 

4. Generally ‘by’ is used before the object of the passive voice sentences. 

5. Change the pronoun 

I- me      We -us      you - you    He- him 

She - her    It - it     they - them 

For example:  

Active Voice - I play the game.

Passive Voice:  The game is played by me. 

Note - 

To differentiate between active and passive voices, simply ask the following three questions: 

1. What/who is the subject of the statement? 

2. What is the action/verb in the sentence? 

3. Is the subject of the sentence performing the action/verb? 

If the answer to the last question comes out to be ‘yes', then the sentence is in active voice, and if the answer is ‘no’, then the passive voice is used. 

Changes in the auxiliary word's tense: When the main verb's verb form changes, the auxiliary word's tense changes as well.

 Let's look at a few examples to understand them more clearly:  

Present Tense- 

1. Simple Present Tense -

Use the simple present tense to make a generalisation, present a state of being, or indicate a habitual or repeated action. 

Active- I write a novel.

Passive-  A novel is written by me.


Subject + auxiliary verb(am/ is/ are) + past participle of the main verb/V3+by + object.

2. Present Continuous- 

Use the present progressive to describe an ongoing activity or a temporary action. 

Active- I am eating breakfast. 

Passive- The breakfast is being eaten by me. 


Subject + auxiliary verb (am/ is/are)+ being +past participle of the main verb+ by + object 

3. Present Perfect- 

Use the present perfect to describe an action occurring in the past but relevant to the present or extending to the present.  

Active- I have played the game.

Passive- A game has been played by me.


Subject + has/have + been + past participle/V3+ by + object

Past Tense- 

1. Simple Past Tense -

Use the simple past to indicate a general or habitual action occurring in the past or at a specific time in the past.

Active- I invited you to the party.

Passive- You were invited by me to the party. 


Subject+be( was / were) + past participle /V3+by+ object

2. Past Continuous- 

Use the past progressive to indicate an ongoing action in the past or an action continuing through a specific past time.   

Active- I was playing video games. 

Passive- The video games were being played by me.


Subject+auxiliary verb (was/were)+ being+ past participle/V3 + by +object 

3. Past Perfect-

 Use the past perfect to indicate an action completed before a particular time or before another action in the past. 

Active- You had done the work.

Passive- The work had been done by you. 


Subject+ had+ been+past participle/V3 + by + object 

3. Future Tense- 

Simple Future Tense -

Use the future to indicate an action that is expected to take place at a future time. 

Active- He will play the match.

Passive- The match will be played.


Subject+will+be+past participle/V3 +by+object 

2. Future perfect tense  

Active- You will have started the job.  

Passive- The job will have been started by you.  


subject +shall/will + have been + past participle/ V3 +  by + subject.  

Note - 

Future continuous and perfect continuous tenses do not form passive voices. 

The more you practice the more you will understand the idea of changing active to passive and passive to active voice. 

Negative Sentence - 


While converting Negative Active into Negative Passive Voice.

  1. We add ‘not’ between the object and verb of the passive voice.
  2. We add ‘not’ after the helping verb in the passive sentence.
  3. We convert the verb into past participle or 3rd form of verb.
  4. We use the preposition ‘by’.
  5. We add full stop at the end of the sentence.

Formation of Passive Negative Sentence 


  • Object +HV+ not+3rd form + by + Subject (Indefinite)

  • Object + HV + not + being + 3rd form + by + Subject (Progressive/ continuous)

  • Object + HV + not + been +3rd form + by + Subject (Perfect)

While converting Interrogative Active into Interrogative Passive Voice.

  1. Helping verb comes before the object in the passive voice, (as passive voice start with object of the active voice)
  2. Convert the verb into past participle or 3rd form of the verb.
  3. Use the preposition ‘by’.
  4. Complete the sentence with the subject and sign of Interrogation (?).

Formation of Passive Interrogative Sentences

  • HV+ Object +3rd form + by + Subject +? (Indefinite)

  • HV+ Object +being +3rd form + by + Subject +? (Progressive)

  • HV+ Object +been+3rd form + by + Subject +? (Perfect)
Simple Present Tense- 

(O+ is, am, are + 3rd verb + by + S )

1. He lights the candle.
Ans- The candle is lighted by him.

2. He does not light the candle.
Ans- The candle is not lighted by him. (Negative)

3. Do you light the candle?
Ans- Is the candle lighted by you? (Interrogative)

Present Continuous Tense- 

(O + is, am, are + being + 3rd verb+ by + S)

1. I am driving a car.
Ans- A car is being driven by me.

2. I am not driving a car.
Ans- A car is not being driven by me. (Negative)

3. Am i driving a car?
Ans- Is a car being driven by me? (Interrogative)

Present Perfect Tense

(O + has, have + been + 3rd verb + by + S)

1. She has stolen my book.
Ans- My book has been stolen by her.

2. She has not stolen my book.
Ans- My book has not been stolen by her. (Negative)

3. Has she stolen my book?
Ans- Has my book been stolen by her? (Interrogative)

Simple Past Tense- 

(O + was, were + 3rd verb + by + S)

1. She finished work.
Ans- Work was finished by her.

2. She did not finish work.
Ans- Work was not finished by her. (Negative)

3. Did she finish work?
Ans- Was work finished by her? (Interrogative)

Past Continuous Tense

(O + was, were + being + 3rd verb + by + S)

1. He was revising his books.
Ans- His books were being revised by him.

2. He was not revising his books.
Ans- His books were not being revised by him. (Negative)

3. Was he revising his books?
Ans- Were his books being revised by him? (Interrogative)

Past Perfect Tense

(O + had + been+3rd verb + by + S)

1. I had completed the assignment.
Ans- The assignment had been completed by me.

2. I had not completed the assignment.
Ans- The assignment had not been completed by me. (Negative)

3. Had I completed the assignment?
Ans-Had the assignment been completed by me? (Interrogative)

Simple Future Tense

(O + will, shall + be + 3rd verb + by + S)

1. My uncle will pay my tuition fee.
Ans- My tuition fee will be paid by my uncle.

2. My uncle will not pay my tuition fee.
Ans- My tuition fee will not be paid by my uncle. (Negative)

3. Will my uncle pay my tuition fee?
Ans- Will my tuition fee be paid by my uncle? (Interrogative)

Future Perfect Tense

(O + will, shall + have been + 3rd verb+ by + S)

1. We shall have done our homework.
Ans- Our homework shall have been done by us.

2. We shall not have done our home­work.
Ans- Our homework shall not have been done by us. (Negative)

3. Shall we have done our homework?
Ans- Shall our homework have been done by us? (Interrogative)

Wh- type Question

The questioning words when, why, where, how or what does not change their position at the beginning of the sentence when the active voice is changed into the passive voice.

Note - 
who is a change to by whom and whom into who.


1. What did he say? (Active Voice)
Ans - What was said by him? (Passive Voice)

2. Whom did you invite? (Active Voice)
Ans- Who was invited by you? (Passive Voice)

3. Who wrote this book? (Active Voice)
Ans- By whom was this book written? (Passive Voice)

Imperative Sentences - 

Changing an imperative sentence in the active voice to passive-

An imperative sentence in the passive voice has the following form: 

Let + object + be + past participle.

Active: Carry it home.
Passive: Let it be carried home.

Active: Do it at once.
Passive: Let it be done at once.

Active: Open the door.
Passive: Let the door be opened.

Active: Throw the ball.
Passive: Let the ball be thrown.

When the active voice is in the negative, the passive voice takes the form:

 Let + object + not + be + past participle.

Active: Do not beat the dog.
Passive: Let the dog not be beaten.

Note-  'do' is not used in the passive form.

We can begin the passive sentence with you if we want to put emphasis on the person addressed to.


Active: Help me.
Passive: Let me be helped.
Passive: You are requested to help me.

Active: Learn the poem.
Passive: Let the poem be learned.
Passive: You are asked to learn the poem.

Active: Don’t touch it.
Passive: Let it not be touched.
Passive: You are warned not to touch it.

Note that the passive form has to begin with you when the object of the active verb is not mentioned.

Here the active verb does not have an object. Therefore the passive form should begin with you.

Active: Work hard.
Passive: You are advised to work hard.

Active: Get out.
Passive: You are ordered to get out.


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