Speech Writing- Example-1

 Speech Writing: 04 Marks

Q. Prepare a speech on the need for tree plantations.

Honorable  Principal, Respected teachers, and my dear friends. I am Jyoti Walunj standing in front of u to give a speech on today's topic ' need for tree plantation.

Everybody knows that trees are our lungs. They play a very important role in our life. They help us in many ways. Trees keep the air clean and maintain the level of oxygen.

Just imagine without trees......? Can we imagine? The answer is NO. 

Dear students our culture says to us, "Trees are sacred or God". But due to our progress, we cut the trees and as a result, we face many types of pollution. We are also suffering from the problem of global warming. Do you know why the level of air pollution has gone up? Simply because more and more trees are being cut. Deforestation causes pollution and threatens the existence of many species of life. Without trees, we can't live longer. They heighten the beauty of the landscape and provide us with medicines, herbs, fruits, food, and many more things. They help us to get rain. They stop soil erosion. Trees must be protected from the ax.

 I could say-  No TREES  No LIFE

I would like to appeal to you all to plant at least one tree in your garden, farm, or at school/college. Remember- Planting tree is not enough, we must take care of them. And this noble work starts from us. After all, trees are related to our life. They play a major role in our life. 

So, Each One Plant One.

Remember dear Students, 

"Think today and act immediately. Save a tree Today for the Better Tomorrow." 

Thank you to everyone for listening to me patiently.


Marking Scheme- 04 marks
Language sequence of ideas- 02 marks
Introduction- 01 Marks
Conclusion-01 Marks

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