
Showing posts from December, 2023

Q.4 A Virtual Message -Feb.23

Q.4 A Virtual Message -04 Marks (Feb. 2023) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below: Attempt anyone from the given activities: 1) Drafting virtual message : Imagine yourself as Ramesh. You are required to go to Pune to participate in the national level chess competition and hence you won't be able to attend the class test. Draft a virtual message for your friend Sanket in about 50 to 75 words asking him to convey the reason of your absence to your subject teacher. Ans-                           Message 25th Dec. 11.00 Sanket I am going to participate international level chess competition which  is held in Pune, tomorrow so, I won't be able to attend the class test. I could not inform our English teacher because I don't have a contact number so I request you to convey the reason of my absence.  Ramesh.

Expansion of Idea - Example 1

 Expansion of Idea -  "A friend in need is a friend indeed" Ans- This is a well known proverb that we used in our day to day life. It has a great significance. It tells us about the nature of friendship. It implies/ suggests that a person's true friend is the one who stands by them during times of difficulty or adversity. In other words, a friend who offers support, assistance, and comfort when it is needed the most is a genuine friend. In our lives, we come across different types of friendships. Some friendships are superficial, based on convenience or mutual interests, while others are built on a deeper foundation of trust, loyalty, and empathy. It is during challenging times that the true essence of friendship is revealed. When we face hardships, whether it be personal struggles, emotional turmoil, or unexpected crises, it is in these moments that we truly understand who our real friends are. Moreover, a true friend in need is not only there for us during challenging t...

Q.4 C Speech Writing - Blood donation

Q.4 C Speech Writing  - A Blood donation camp is being organised in your junior College. You have been asked to give a speech on "Importance of Blood Donation" to motivate the student in your class to donate blood. Ans - Honorable principal, respected teachers and all my dear friends, today I am delivering a speech on novel subject i e. importance of blood donation. Donation is a noble work it gives you happiness and satisfaction and it is a rare kind of donation. The poor and rich everyone can donate blood. Remember -If you donate  blood it can be reproduced again.Blood donation is completely harmless. There are some misunderstanding about it. Some people feel that blood donation makes the donor weak. This is a wrong notion. The body makes up for the blood donate 10 within a very short time. Dear students, a healthy person can donate blood 3/4 times a year.  The importance of blood donation drives ought  to be understood. There is constant need to blood everywhere. ...

Q.4 B. Email writing - Example

Q.4 B. Email writing -04 Marks You are a student of 12 th class. You have planned a family trip to South India. You need a leave for 8 days. Write an email in the proper format with all it's supporting details you wish to include to convince and get your leave approved in about 100 to 150 words .  Ans- To: hrmshreenivas13@gmail com. Cc: Bcc: Subject : Request for 8-day Leave for Family Trip to South India  Respected Sir,   With reference to above mentioned subject, I am  Jyoti Walunj Class -XII Div. A ,Roll no.-34 writing to request your kind approval for a leave of absence from 20/07/2023 to 28/07/2023 totaling 8 days. The purpose of this leave is to accompany my family on a much-anticipated trip to South India. This trip is not only a leisure activity but also an excellent opportunity for me to learn about the diverse culture and heritage of South India, which aligns with my academic interests. I have ensured that I will diligen...

Q. 4 C Expansion of ideas -Example 2

Q.4 C Expansion of idea - 04 Marks  1. Where there is a will, there is a way. "Where there is a will, there is a way' is an old proverb in English which teaches us that "determination' is necessary to get a task completed or a job done. To learn or achieve something in life, will-power acts as a catalyst and enhances the speed of action. So, it is good to have determination even to the smallest tasks in life and never give up easily.  All of us wish to achieve many things in life. But usually many of us do not succeed in achieving anything. And often, we tend to curse our fate or misfortune. But the fact is that we have only ourselves to blame for our failures. It is not enough that we wish to achieve something. We should have the proper will-power and the proper drive or determination to carry on with our plans in the face of obstacles. Will-power is the key to the greatest of achievements. The more we are determined to win, the more we are on the road to success. Ap...

Q.4 D Appeal Writing- Example-1

Q.4 D.   Appeal Writing -04 Marks  Q.1. Your junior College is going to arrange a rally to create awareness among  the people regarding the need of saving and teaching a girl child. Prepare an appeal for the students in your college. __________________________________________________ FOETICIDE IS A CRIME... GIRLS DEFINE YOUR EXISTENCE... Friends, HRM has organized a Rally Create Awareness about SAVING AND TEACHING GIRL CHILD... Our college invites you to join the Rally. WE NEED MOTHERS, WE NEED SISTERS, WE NEED WIVES, ... WHY NOT A DAUGHTER? - Girls are obedient & sensible. - They are caring and devoted. - Girls are homemakers. - They shape civilization. DO YOU WANT THE HUMAN RACE TO SURVIVE ON THE GLOBE? Then, Join us, Join the Rally. REMEMBER- Girls shape the destiny of the nation. Sex determination is illegal. 3 years of punishment and fine. You and only you can save HER...! To make a healthy and wealthy India! VENUE- Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya,Rajgur...