2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow-Appre.2 Updated
2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow - Edgar Guest (1881-1959) Topic- Appreciation- 4 marks About the Poet, Poem, and Title- Edgar Albert Guest was born on 20th August 1881 in England and died on 5th August 1959 in the United States. He began his writing career in 1885 when he was fourteen. He was known as the “People’s Poet” for his simple style and optimistic tone of writing. About the Poem - This poem was first published in the Detroit Free Press in 1916. About the title - The title suggests verbal questions to the readers to rethink the treatment that they are giving to others. The theme- This poem is a motivational, inspirational, and didactic poem. It motivates the readers to do good deeds for the others. We should give up negative actions and negative thoughts. The poem is also helpful to us in the process of ‘self-introspection’. We may bring positive change in our behavior and may ...