XI- Sub- English - Format of Annual Exam 22-23
Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar Annual Exam Question Paper Format (Arts, Commerce, Science & HSVC) Subject- English Class- XII Marks- 80 Subject Teacher- Jyoti Landge - Walunj (SECTION I - PROSE) Q.1. Activities based on SEEN passage. (12 Marks ) A. 1 Global understanding: (02) A. 2 Complex facts: (02) A.3 Inference /Interpretation Analysis: (02) A.4 Personal Response: (02) A.5 Language study: (02) A.6 Vocabulary: (02) B1: Language Study (Non-textual Grammar) (04 Marks) B.2 Spot the error. (01) Q.2. Activities based on U NSEEN passage. (12Marks) A. 1 Global understanding: (02) A. 2 Complex facts: (02) A.3 Inference /Interpretation /Analysis: (02) A.4 Personal Response: (02) A.5 Language study: (02) A.6 Vocabulary: (02) Q.2 B. SUMMARY: (03 Marks) Write a summary of the above extract with th...