
Showing posts from October, 2022

XI Note-making -

 Class-XI Q.Read the following extract carefully and make the notes with the help of the clues given below. Note-making -(03 Marks) Naturally occurring platinum and platinum rich alloys have been known for a long time. The Spaniards named the metal 'platina' or little silver, when they first encountered it in Columbia. The platinum group metals are rhodium, ruthenium, palladium,osmium, iridium and platinum. Of these, platinum is the most important. These metals are very similar in many ways and are extremely rare.      On average, there is only a gramme of ruthenium in each tonne of rock and barely a gramme of rhodium in over a 1000 tonnes of rock! Platinum's wear and tarnish resistance characteristics are well suited for making fine jewellery. Other distinctive properties include- resistance to chemical attack, excellent high temperature characteristic and stable electric properties. These metals are uniquely durable and can be used extremely efficiently- meanin...

Q. 2 B Summary Writing

 Q. 2 B. Read the passage carefully and write down the Summary of this passage and use appreciate title. (03 Marks) Time is resource to measure quantitatively but its nature is unclear. Time is a fleeting, limited and intangible human resource which is always calculated and used accordingly. The time of the day is as shown on clock are announced on the media like radio, television constantly guide us in carrying out days activities, distribution of time for work, rest, entertainment and checking the progress during the day. The secret of time management lies in successfully identifying and eliminating time wasting activities with effective and efficient utilisation of time. In order to be a good time manager, grab the time, utilise it properly and invest it into productive work. Do not allow the time to flow and pass away without offering any result. The importance of time management is self evident. Every individual has 24 hours a day to use. One must be aware of the available tim...

1.3 The Call of the Soil- Activity 1

 1.3 The Call of the Soil- Activity No.1 Q. 1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. Extract- The first crop............. Major moral booster. Pg no 26&27 A 1.Global Understanding: Name the following : 1.The broker who got the deal of the land to the author. Ans- Moru Dada 2. The state which was adjacent to the author's place. Ans- Gujrat 3. The place from where the author purchased the seeds. Ans-Surat 4. The amount of moong invested by the author. Ans- 300kg A. 2 Inference/ Interpretation Explain why the writer do not want to use any chemicals on the crops. Ans- The writer did not want to use any chemicals on the crops because he wanted to grow them organically and also to test the land fertility for future produce. A. 3 Analysis : Give reasons for the following: 1. The writer felt exhilarated because..... Ans-He was witnessing his first crop and couldn't believe that he was owner such a beautiful land. 2. The writer was grateful to have taken Mo...